Personal Reflection
The Personal Reflection is an opportunity to recall the adventures that a Rover Scout has experienced as part of their Peak Award journey, to share some of the highlights (and challenges) as they conclude their journey, and to reflect on their development in the six SPICES areas.
The Reflection is not an interview! It also is not the time for others to decide whether a Scout deserves their Peak Award. The Reflection is an opportunity for reflection. The Personal Reflection does not require any written documentation – Scouts may choose to compile some written notes, others may have photos or videos, but some may have very little to show others about their journey and experiences, and can describe their personal development in other ways.
In Rover Scouts, the Personal Reflection will include members from outside of the regular Unit that the Scout comes from. This should include Rover Scouts from the Baden-Powell Support Team. They will not necessarily have been a part of the Rover Scout’s complete journey, and therefore the Unit Council may need to provide support to these Rover Scouts, as well as their Unit member, prior to the Personal Reflection occurring.
Requirements for BPSA
The Personal Reflection is the very last component of a Rover Scout's Baden-Powell Scout Award. All other requirements must have been met prior to this stage.