Other Councils
National Rover Council (NRC)
The National Rover Council (NRC), first formed in 1979, is the governing body for the Rover Scout section in Australia. The NRC represents the interests of each of the Branch Rover Councils and Rover Scouts in Australia at a National Level, along with providing direction, planning and encouragement for the extension and development of the Rover Scout Section.
The National Rover Council is comprised of the NRC Executive, NRC Project Officers, and two elected members of each Branch of Scouts Australia. The NRC Executive are elected by the Branch delegates at the annual National Rover Council Conference for a term of 12 months, excluding the Chair, who is elected for a 24 month term.
The NRC Executive take on the day to day operation of the NRC and are responsible for following up on decisions made by Branches at the meetings, liaising with the Branches on the development and implementation of Rover Scout initiatives, representing the views of Rover Scouts at National committees and councils, and representing Australian Rover Scouts at international Scout forums and conferences. The core NRC Executive is comprised of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, with support from standing Project Officers. The NRC may also choose to create roles for specific projects and events such as Roverscope or the NRC External Review Team.
The National Rover Council also aims to support Grass Root Rovers through initiatives such as Moot Buddies; that provides funding for Rover Scouts to attend National Moots. They also provide funding for Rover Scout projects through the Rover Challenge Grants, which Rovers can apply to receive funding to support a project they are undertaking.
All Rovers are welcome to be involved in the National Rover Council, either through their Branch Rover Council, as a Project Officer of the NRC, or by joining the NRC Executive.
To visit the Rovers Australia website - click here.
Branch Youth Council (BYC)
The Western Australian Branch Youth Council (WA BYC) is the primary youth-led body representing Youth Members at the WA Branch level. The WA BYC consists of members from Scouts, Venturers, and Rovers from all over Western Australia, who each serve a 15 month term. The WA BYC is referred topics from members & independently researches, discusses, provides feedback and makes recommendations to the relevant stakeholders, councils and decision making bodies. These recommendations are based on youth perspectives and are taken into account by those making decisions affecting Scouting in WA.
The WA BYC is always on the look out for innovative, motivated Scouts with a great attitude and a desire to improve Scouting in WA, Australia and the World. If you or somebody you know is interested in learning, meeting new people and taking on a leadership role within Scouting then the WA BYC could just be the thing for you – so listen out for when applications open, later this year! The wider variety of ages, backgrounds, and Districts involved, the better we can represent all the youth members of the WA Branch.
The WA BYC is a brilliant way for the Western Australian Scouts to have their voices heard about issues that are important to them at a Group, District, Region and Branch level. We encourage all Scouts, Venturers and Rovers between the ages of 12 and 25 years to consider applying (regardless of where you live within WA) for a position on the WA BYC and make your mark in Scouting by being a member of this dynamic and vibrant council.
If there is something that you would like WA BYC to discuss, an event you would like us to attend or you just have a general question, get in touch with us at: byc@scoutswa.com.au or chairman.byc@scoutswa.com.au.