Personal Development or Unit Management Course

In Rover Scouts there are heaps of opportunities to develop leadership and personal skills. Achieving your Milestones, assisting and leading activities, being a Unit Leader, helping out another Scout in the Outdoor Adventure Skills or being a mentor in any part of the program are all some of the different ways you can develop yourself.
For your Baden-Powell Scout Award, you are required to complete Unit Management and/or Personal Development training. Options available for you include attending an internal Scouting course run for Rover Scouts, a state or national extension course such as You+Lead, completion of Leadership training in either Program Support Leader or Youth Program training, or an external personal development course such as RYLA and RYPEN provided by Rotary Australia.
Ideally, your Unit Management or Personal Development Course should cover some, or most, of the following concepts: Problem-solving, Communication, Task management, Leadership, Planning and Community involvement.