Other Awards
Scout of the Year Award
The Scout of the Year Award is designed to recognise a person or project that has given exceptional service to Scouting and the community.
The Award will be presented each year to recognise and congratulate those youth members within Scouting who go above and beyond and make a difference in their community. The person nominated for the Award must be a youth member within Scouting with a category in each section: Joey Scout, Cub Scout, Scout, Venturer Scout and Rover Scout. The community involvement may be at a local, Regional, State or National Level.
The empowerment of youth members to further develop themselves and their community and to fulfill the purpose of scouting as responsible citizens is a key aspect of this Award. Youth members should always be empowered to fulfill the World Organisation of the Scouting Movement’s Vision to be ‘active citizens, creating positive change in their communities and in the World, based on shared values’.
State Recognition Awards
In June 2013, the Scouts WA Board approved the creation of three Branch Recognition Awards to complement the Scouts Australia Adult Recognition Awards. They are the Black Swan Award, the Chief Commissioner's Award and the In Recognition Award.
The Black Swan Award is the highest Scouts WA award and is the Branch's equivalent to the Scouts Australia Silver Kangaroo Award and the National President's Award, but without the need to have been a member of Scouting for at least 20 years. There are adult members who, from time to time, make contributions that advance Scouting in an extraordinary way, unrelated to the length of service in the Movement and the Black Swan Award provides a way to recognise such individuals. At the discretion of the Chief Commissioner, it may be awarded to an organisation or institution.
The Chief Commissioner's Award recognises an exceptional contribution that goes beyond the norm and warrants recognition ahead of a possible Scouts Australia award that has a specific minimum period of service. Over time, an individual may receive multiple Chief Commissioner's Awards. This award is available to youth members of Scouting who do something quite extraordinary in the community.